As a little girl, I thought that Prince Charming was perfect. He was gentle and strong. He would sweep you into his arms and dance with you until midnight. He protected you by fighting off dragons or evil witches. His kiss brought you back to life. He even found your shoes if you dropped them!
Although my idea of the perfect guy has shifted slightly since these days, the basic elements are still there. I want someone strong and courageous. I want someone who adores me, but also loves other people. I want someone adventurous, someone who drives fast with the windows down. I want someone who puts God first and is a reflection of Him. I want someone with ambition. I want someone who lives life to the fullest and appreciates the little things like a sunset or the way clouds look after it rains. I want someone who sings at the top of their lungs and isn't afraid of what other people think. I want someone who respects their parents. I want someone who challenges me to become a better friend. I want someone who keeps me accountable as I grow with God. I want someone that I can spend the rest of my life loving completely.
I am coming to the end of a fabulous book that Lindsey recommended to me at the beginning of the summer. It's called: When God Writes Your Love Story. I've developed a sort of love-hate relationship with the book because each time I pick it up I am reminded that God truly does have an amazing man saved for me. But I am also thrown into a whirl of frustration because it convicts me of my lack of patience. The book is always reminding me that singleness is a blessing from God because it allows us grow into the people that He wants us to be. Singleness strengthens us because we have to find our identity in God instead of our worth in a relationship. Oh! How I want to be more patient!
Recently, I've been praying for my husband almost every night. It's a strange thing really, because as far as I know, I haven't met him yet. But he's out there. And I wonder what he's doing right now while I sit in my girl-ish world and dream about him? Although it's nice to dream, I want to stay far away from the idea that it takes another person to complete me. God didn't make me a half person, wandering aimlessly in search of Mr. Wonderful! He made me with a specific purpose. I want to be patient and enjoy this time, building deeper relationships with God, my family and my friends, not just waiting for life to begin when I meet Prince Charming. One last thing I've been learning is that I want to be pursued. I'm done chasing after relationships and trying to make things work out between every frog that comes my way. Since when did initiating become the girls job, anyway?! The man God has for me is out there...and I want to leave it up to God to bring us together in His perfect timing. I'm trusting that God is preparing both of our hearts at this very moment.
Until then, to the man of my dreams...I'm waiting for you.
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