Now that I've been home for a month, the fact that a few of my favorite people are hundreds of miles away is becoming all to real. It is truly amazing to me that I have only known these girls for 8 months, because I feel like they know me inside and out, upside down, on my best days and in the moments when I am approaching unlovable! They've seen it all. We've cried together, laughed hysterically, shared our deepest thoughts and challenged one another to become better. And I miss them terribly!
This week was especially hard for me. Don't get me wrong, I love being home! I'm blessed to be working at the church, spending extra time with my family, re-connecting with old friends and relaxing with a good book. It has just been a little difficult, and I wasn't expecting that, in all honesty. Tonight the three of us were finally able to connect at the same time! We updated each other on the boys in or lives (or lack there of--in my special case!) we talked about our summer jobs, mission trips, upcoming visits to various states, our new room decor, family, and the challenges of being home. Let me just say, it was what I needed. Thanks, God for placing amazing friends in my life, both at home and at school.
So, here's to three way calling! I miss you, Noelle and Lindsey!
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